Supported Employment

Our goal is to help ELIMINATE single use plastic waste at Parap markets with 'dishwashing and waste separation'.

Waste is changing. Jobs are changing. 

We are innovators and active participants in reinventing waste management practices. 

Right now, we:

  • Operate stillage cage and IBC static pile composters at Lakeside Drive Community Garden (LDCG) to make compost from food waste.
  • Run a commercial dishwasher and Reusables Food Court at Parap Markets. Patrons hire reusables for $1.00 and our stainless-steel cutlery is complimentary.

We are working on:

  • Procuring thousands of plastic reusables to enter into service agreements to supply stallholders free of charge. Reusables will save stallholders money by eliminating single-use waste previously paid for by the stallholder.   
  • Helping Parap Markets introduce bins in accordance with AS4123.7 2006 Mobile Waste Containers.
  • Waste separation with: Bins in a ROW, separate as you throw. We are developing a Bin Station on a monitored cart for patrons to separate their waste - at the point of disposal.
  • Commissioning our shredder to shred CERTIFIED compostable food packaging and chopsticks, etc. This will keep compostable packaging out of landfill and use it as a source of carbon for use in the aerobic composters at Lakeside Drive Community Garden (LDCG).  

All of these initiatives move us.

We are advocates for the Supported Employment Services Award 2020.

We love composting at Lakeside Drive Community Garden (LDCG). Our thanks go to the City of Darwin for a recent grant to help build new composters.

With the composters built, our new goal is to separate the Parap market compostable waste and use it at LDCG to:

  • help build microbe rich soil,
  • grow fresh fruit and vegetables and
  • share good food security skills with you. 

Our next step - before composting - is to help eliminate single use plastic CONTAMINATION.


Dishwashing, globally, is being seen as 'world's best practice'. Reusable cups, bowls, plates and cutlery, etc. - are reusable.

Use them and you help eliminate single-use plastic. Simple.

This will be a soft start as we gear up to larger quantities. Initially, we are seeking a few volunteers to help us. Enjoy the markets!

When fully up and running, we will be looking for full-time staff to join us in our meaningful and beneficial work.

Is that you, or do you know someone who would love to join us in some work at our local markets?

We’re committed to providing meaningful pathways to employment and skills development.

Contact us now. We'd love to hear from you.