There are a lot of different ways you can compost at home to help keep your organic waste out of landfill.
- You can choose a Gedye compost bin when you have access to some ground you can put it on.
- A Bokashi bucket is good if you live in an apartment. You can store under your sink, in your laundry or somewhere else convenient.
When you make compost, you combine nitrogen (food waste, or 'green' grass clippings) and carbon (paper, cardboard, dead leaves, 'brown' grass clippings, leaves and other organic matter from your garden).
If you have a bigger yard and you're into mowing, choose a larger composter. You may also like to consider multiple composters to allow one batch of compost to mature while you feed a new one.
Tips to good composting:
- Throw your waste before it decays, rots and smells (gets putrid).
- Cover your food waste with some mulch. This combination of nitrogen and carbon along with a sprinkle of water helps create a great environment for microbes to grow.
- If you don't have any mulch/carbon, cover with a lid as this will contain any smell.
Good composting smells good!