An excellent, large-volume composters made for community groups, schools and businesses.
- Strong, galvanised and built to last.
- We: Unfold, line internally with vermin mesh, line the base, add a lid, deliver to you, activate and water.
- You: Add your paper, cardboard and organic waste, cover with mulch and water.
Close your loop/sequest your carbon/make compost and benefit from the embodied energy.
Tips on managing your stillage cage composter
- Locate your composter in a shady spot. Composters get hot inside anyway and shade for workers makes life more comfortable. Adaptation at its best!
- Ideally, get two composters and put them next to each other. It may take 4-6 weeks after you finish filling before your compost is mature and PH neutral for your garden.
- Patience grows with time grasshopper, and while waiting for your first pay day, activate and start using your second composter.
- Minimise adding putrid food waste/bad microbes into your composter.
- Keep your food waste relatively fresh before adding to your composter, as this helps feed effective microbes.
- Fill your composter in layers. Food waste, compost, food waste, etc.
- Always finish with a layer of compost to cover your food waste and then water well.
- Appreciate that the ratio of food waste to compost doesn't matter too much. Nature will deal with it. As long as you have a good mix of carbon (mulch, paper, cardboard) and nitrogen (food scraps, mower grass, etc) everything will be fine.
- Turn your composter weekly. This can be safely done insitu with a battery operated auger/post hole digger with a kick back function. Always use with adult supervision.
- If you want to pick up food waste and deliver to your composter, 120L wheelie bins are a great buddy. Wear gloves, empty the bulk by hand, hook bin on stillage cage edge, grab base and flip wheelie bin. A safe and easy mini workout.
- Dont overload your wheelie bins! They may be 120L in capacity/volume, but they can only handle about 35kg in weight. Inside, you will notice a line about half way up. Don't go beyond this and your wheelie bin will be your work buddy for a long time.
- How long it takes to fill your composter depends on you.
- Enjoy the journey. Best shared with others for a mutual benefit. Pay day is when you all get together and empty your composter. Have a well laid plan and seedlings ready to go. Add your black gold/compost to your no-dig-garden and plant, water and mulch.
- Celebrate everything.
A stillage cage composter is an opportunity to invest in sustainable infrastructure for community empowerment, engagement, improved mental health and wellbeing outcomes.
WeBU is actively engaged in the community and rolling out innovations that benenfit all of us. This is how, together, we can help move the economy away from trucks and bulldozers and towards people and activities.
Improved equality and engagement is the result. Easily and naturally, we are with you all the way.
Celebrate everything.